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Description of the final project!

------The firefighter robot_Allen Zhou




This is the brief description of my final project and you can also find it on my personal 

website on which I’ll update the details as the project goes. In this project, I want to build a firefighter robot, which can

carry out a simple mission: Finding out the proper path through the maze without any collision and finally putting out 

the fire of a candle. 

















































To make sure the success of the project, my robot should contains several functions:


1. The robot can detect the obstacles, and then make a detour to avoid collision.


2. When detecting the elevation (lets say the edge of a table) the robot will bounce back and avoiding falling

 off the table.


3. The robot is capable of detecting the flame of the candle(either detecting the heat or light generated from it) 

and then use a suitable mechanism to dim the flame.


So as I mentioned above, the robot should consist of at least three main sections:


The Power System, which enables the robot to move around;  


The Sensor system, let the bot detect the obstacles, find the right track through the maze and detect the flame;


The section to put out the fire, like an electric fan or a water sprinkler.


In addition, if I have extra time, I’ll also build some extra parts for the robot like the LCD screen to show 

the power amount or the remote control system to manually control the robot.





Here is the sketch of my project :















































And here’s the rough inventory of the components for this project:


1. Arduino UNO board *1

2. L298N motor control *1

3. DC motor or servo motor *3

4. Ultrasonic distance sensor *1

5. Tracing sensor *1

6. Arduino sensor shield *1

7. temperature or photocell *1

8.small propeller *1

9. construction materials (plastic board, foam core, basswood…)

10. jumper wires

11. wheels *3

12. PCB boards

13. LCD screen *1

14. Several LED lights





1. Whether the flame will interfere with the infrared distence&obstacle sensor and how to fix it.


2. How to make the bot "walk" straightly along the path and turn exactly 90 degree at the corner.

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